Aakifah C

Customer Support Representative

Cape Town, South Africa
Available Immediately
6 years of experience
Full-time: 40 hours per week
$800 per month
Flexible on Timezone

Candidate Online Assessment Results

Report Card

Overall Score
Customer Support Representative
Problem Solving

How does Remote Talent score candidates?

Remote Talent uses the best testing software on the market to simulate what it is like to work in their job role. We ask questions designed to test critical skills that are required for that specific position, and the results show you their scores in the vital job competencies. Most candidates don't get past the assessment, so you only see the top performers.

Video Interview

Aakifah C

1.      Why do you want a career in customer support?

2.      Tell me about yourself.

3.      What skills do you possess that make you suited to being a Customer Support Representative?

4.      Tell me about a challenge or conflict you’ve faced at work and how you dealt with it.

5.      How would your boss and coworkers describe you?


Customer Support Representative at Schedule Engine/Service Titan

October 2021 - January 2023

  • Acted as a third party answering service for U.S. clientele for multiple companies in the HVAC system, plumbing and electrical services.
  • Managed appointments, managed and responded to queries and complaints, and resolved customer queries through telephone or by web chat.

Insurance Advisor & Back Office Support at Teleperformance SA

October 2019 - September 2021

  • Managed all web chat, email, and telephone calls relating to customer motor insurance policies. This included changing customer insurance policy cover, selling insurance policies, as well as maintaining clientele.
  • Managed customer complaints at level 1.

Customer Service Advisor at Capita SA

June 2018 - September 2019

  • Managed customers and customer queries as an inbound call center agent.
  • Assisted U.K. based customers with network and cellphone contract problems, as well as providing advice relating to payment transfers and any other problems related to their cellphone, WiFi, mobile broadband or O2 recorded account.

Customer Service & Sales Assistant at BoKaap Eazy Foods

February 2016 - May 2018

  • Acted as Personal Assistant to the Owner. Duties included money management or bookkeeping, management of general office administration as well as general social media accounts, as well as staff management and sales related duties.

Customer Sales Associate at Sell Direct Marketing

January 2014 - January 2016

  • Acted as an Outbound Call Center Agent working for Vodafone campaign (Vodafone being a British multination telecommunications company). Sold cellphone contracts and other Internet packages to South African customers.


High School Diploma

Trafalgar High School, Cape Town, South Africa

2008 - 2012

Services Available

Local Hiring Shield

How can I help you?

We take care of all local payroll, legal, and tax compliance. When you hire on Remote Talent, you pay us one simple monthly payment, and we handle it all.

Price per employee

$199 per month

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Health Insurance

How can I help you?

Take care of your new team member with affordable localized private health insurance.

Starting From

$80 per month

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